Helen Masciel
Helen Masciel

Helen Masciel chooses Tiddlywinks Toys & Games

For Coupon Winner Helen Masciel, life is all about the connections you make along the way.  The Orange County native has lived a full and vibrant life that focuses on family and fulfilling experiences.

Masciel, who grew up in Fullerton, met and married the love of her life, Ray, in 1985.  The couple settled in Anaheim and had two sons—Jon-Paul and Garrett.

“We raised our children, and I later worked for the Fullerton School District and Disneyland,” says Masciel.  “When I retired after 23 years from ‘The Happiest Place on Earth,’ I received a Main Entrance Pass.”

When Ray passed away 18 years ago, Masciel grew even more involved with her family and the community.  She became a parishioner of Holy Family Catholic Church and attends Bloom Women’s Group meetings.  She also serves at Life Center of Santa Ana.

“My volunteer work is gratifying, and my sons, daughters-in-law and four granddaughters are also the loves of my life!  Ray would be proud of them.  I introduced my granddaughters to tea parties, and we love to hang out, laugh and have fun.”

Masciel surprised her granddaughters by inviting them to Tiddlywinks Toys & Games, where she redeemed her coupon. 

Article Published in the
Nov / Dec 24 edition of the Old Towne Orange Plaza Review
Written by Marianne Lauren Photo by Mike Escobedo
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