Mayor Dan Slater (center) with (clockwise from top left) Mayor pro tem Arianna Barrios and Councilmembers Jon Dumitru, Kathy Tavoularis, Dennis Bilodeau, Ana Gutierrez and John Gyllenhammer
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Have you ever wondered what goes on at Orange City Council meetings? Important decisions to better our city and announcements about our community are made at these meetings. In this column provided by Mayor Dan Slater, we look at the highlights of recent meetings.
November 12:
1. Approved an agreement with Chapman University in which they would install and pay for a new signal at the intersection of Walnut and Orange Streets, to better manage traffic in and out of their underground parking garage.
2. Accepted $121,699 from Orange County Board of Supervisors Don Wagner and Vicente Sarmiento to supplement the city’s crossing guard program.
3. Approved citizen requested permit parking for Fairway Dr., Young Cir. and Greenview Dr.
November 26:
1. Awarded a contract for lighting replacement at Grijalva Park (poles have rusted).
2. Adopted a notice of completion for the synchronization of signals the length of Tustin St., which is now allowing traffic to flow more smoothly.
3. Adopted an ordinance requiring graffiti on private property to be removed within 24 hours.
4. Authorized the overdue replacement of 13 city vehicles.
5. Appointed six qualified Orange citizens to the reformulated Orange Audit Committee.
6. Approved citizen requested permit parking on portions of Trenton Ave., Meats Ave. and Cambridge St.
7. Adopted a 2025-2030 Strategic Plan for Orange.
8. Approved a 3% cost of living adjustment (COLA) for executive and senior management employees.
December 10:
1. Adopted an ordinance requiring a mandatory shopping cart retrieval plan and containment system for all retailers with shopping carts to further discourage removal of shopping carts from retail sites.
2. Adopted an ordinance prohibiting the sale of bicycles and bicycle parts on public property, parks and Santiago Creek.
3. Declared final election results for the November 5, 2024 election. Measure AA (to allow sale and use of Safe and Sane Fireworks in Orange) passed: 61% to 39%.
4. Measure Z (to approve a half cent sales tax increase) failed: 50.43% no, to 49.57% yes.
5. The Oath of office was administered to Mayor Elect Dan Slater, Councilmembers Elect Jon Dumitru (District 2), Kathy Tavoularis (District 3) and Ana Gutierrez (District 5), City Clerk Elect Pamela Coleman and City Treasurer Elect Garrett Smith.
6. Councilmember Denis Bilodeau was chosen to be Mayor Pro Tem.
City Council Meetings:
2nd & 4th Tuesday / 6 - 8 pm
Agendas are available the prior Thursday.
Meet the Mayor:
Every Wed & Thu / 5-7 pm
Call to schedule a 30-minute meeting with Orange Mayor Dan Slater to discuss issues that are important to the city.
Orange City Hall:
300 East Chapman Ave.