When the rent increased at their shop in La Habra, Eugene and May Ramos, Owners of Expert Lamp & Restoration, relocated next door to Victor’s Lighting in Orange. “I’ve known the owner of Victor’s Lighting for a long time,” says Eugene. “He suggested we move to Orange, and it has been great.”
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Expert Lamp Repair & Restoration
After 26 years in La Habra, Expert Lamp Repair & Restoration moved to Orange two years ago.
“We repair lamps, from antique to modern, do lamp shade restoration, specialize in stained glass repair, and do chandelier repair and cleaning,” says Owner Eugene Ramos.
The most common lamp repairs are electrical, changing the cords and the sockets. All the repairs are done on site.
Something that many people don’t know is that you can’t put a regular bulb in a three-way socket. “We’ve had people come in who have burned up their lamps for that reason,” he says. “We can repair that, but we keep a demo of a burned-out socket in the shop to show people.”
They also reproduce antique sconces and hanging lamps, as well as do plating, noting that trends come and go. “The last few years, people wanted bronze and now brass is really hot,” he says.
Ramos also specializes in chandelier repair and restoration, from antique to a brand new Schonbek. Chandelier services include new wiring, arm repair, replacement parts and cleanings.
They also specialize in stained glass lamp repair. “If it’s broken, we’ll put the glass back in and match it,” says Ramos. “Not too many people do this.”
Lamp shade restoration is a specialty only they offer in Orange County, according to Ramos.
“Often people will toss out an old lamp shade and buy a new one,” says Ramos. “But if you have a shade that fits your lamp perfectly and you love the shape, we will recover the shade, put in new lining and refurbish it.”
Ramos, who has a degree in engineering and had a career in aerospace, fell into lamp restoration as a hobby.
“My mother had these old lamps in the house. I think that is the reason why I love old stuff,” says Ramos, whose own lamp collection focuses on high-end ones, like Tiffany studios, Handel and Bradley & Hubbord.
He began frequenting Expert Lamp Repair & Restoration seeking hard to find parts and befriended the owner. Around the time Ramos was looking to retire, the owner offered him the opportunity to buy the shop.
“I was fascinated by his shop,” says Ramos. “I began working with him on Saturdays to try it out, and in 2010 I bought the store.”
Ramos has never looked back. He has done museums in Orange County, the Nixon Library, the Nirvana Hotel in Hollywood and the Van Nuys mansion. Ramos also sells lamps in the shop that date back to 1910.
“People want to restore their family treasures,” says Ramos. “You never know what’s going to walk in the door. It could be a $200,000 Tiffany lamp or it could be a $10 lamp. We repair them all.”
Expert Lamp Repair & Restoration
1630 West Chapman Ave., Orange, CA 92868 / 714-773-0733