An engineer by trade, Hal Saldarini, Owner of Big Y Yardage, designed computer systems for a large corporation that made bedding, draperies, sleeping pillows and mattress pads, before striking out on his own. “Our big secret is we can buy great fabrics mill direct at great pricing,” says Saldarini, pictured here with Manager Leslie Cooper. “You’ll save money if you can find a fabric you like on the floor at Big Y.”
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Big Y Yardage
A mainstay in Orange since 1962, Big Y Yardage has furnished the upholstery and window covering needs of countless homes in the area. Originally founded by Larry and Norma Lefler, Hal Saldarini purchased Big Y in 1985.
Draperies are a big part of the business, along with Roman shades, valances and decorative bedding pillows. Outdoor cushions are a specialty. Updating fabric and foam are the primary reasons people come in for upholstery.
“Upholstery is a mainstay,” says Saldarini. “In the last 20 years blinds had kind of taken over, but now people are going back to traditional window coverings, including Roman shades and valances.”
Big Y has upholstery and drapery fabrics on site and does the upholstery and Roman shade manufacturing on premises.
“We buy the fabric from mills,” says Saldarini. “We are one of the leading distributors of Sunbrella fabric, the foremost outdoor fabric, well-known for its years of durability, ease to clean and—most importantly—fade resistance.”
Saldarini notes that many of their customers have begun using the outdoor fabric on indoor pieces, as the new textured fabrics and designs look like they also belong inside.
“It’s easy to care for, and they have some really nice fabrics,” he says. “It’s durable, the grandkids can jump on it, you could spill wine on it and clean it up. If it was a regular cotton or polyester fabric, you would have to get a steam cleaner.”
Manager Leslie Cooper has been with Big Y Yardage for nine years and notes that upholsterers don’t want to upholster anything 10 years new.
“The quality of furniture being made today is not nearly the quality that it was in the past,” she says. “The frame and everything is better on a 25-year-old sofa than what you get now.”
Eighty percent are repeat customers who have come to know Saldarini, Cooper and Reuben Sanchez, a craftsman who has been with Big Y Yardage from the beginning when Big Y Yardage started on Main St. across from CHOC. Longtime decorator Diane Vela is their in-house consultant.
“What’s cute is every customer wants to share how they’ve been using Big Y since ‘whenever’ and they tell us their story,” says Cooper. “Every day is a new day with new projects and fun people to meet.”
New Leaf Interiors owner Kathy Hobbs, who does interior design for model homes, has been using Big Y Yardage for 40 years.
“Hal is wonderful,” says Hobbs “He’s always on time and does a beautiful job and works within the budget. He’s like an old sailor but he has a heart of gold.”
Big Y Yardage
320 South Tustin St., Orange, CA 92866 / 714-744-9052