Chapman University 2018 Economic Forecast
Chapman University 2018 Economic Forecast

Chapman University 2018 Economic Forecast

When Old Towne resident and business owner, Shannon Tucker, left Chapman’s midyear Economic Forecast update this past June, she felt cautiously optimistic. “The change in administration has left me feeling uneasy, so it was encouraging to hear the opinions of Dr. Doti on our overall economic strength,” she says.

Whatever the economic climate may be, attendees of Chapman’s annual and midyear Economic Forecasts presented by President Emeritus, Jim Doti, often leave feeling better. This is most likely due to the fact that the forecasts, originating from the University’s A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research, give them a much clearer understanding of the local and national financial landscape.

“Chapman’s Economic Forecasts are easy to understand and incredibly accurate,” says Old Towne resident Doug Willits, a broker associate with the local Seven Gables Real Estate office. “When Jim gives a report, it builds consumer confidence and leads to additional transactions, such as in the real estate market. Many people put credence in what he says and make decisions based on the information he provides.”

The Economic Forecast updates are also enjoyable to attend, notes Willits. “In addition to being full of nuggets of economic wisdom, the forecasts that Jim Doti presents are theatrical and very entertaining.”

Established in 1978, the A. Gary Anderson Center for Economic Research provides economic outlook data based on more than 30 years of research using a proprietary econometric model developed by Chapman faculty and students. The semi-annual Economic Forecasts provide residents, businesses and organizations vital information about consumer spending, interest rates, housing, employment and the gross domestic product (GDP), which is a measure of national and local economic health.

This year’s Economic Forecast will be held on WednesdayDecember 6 at the Renee and Henry Segerstrom Concert Hall. Reception and networking at 2 pm, with the conference beginning at 3 pm. For more information and to register, visit

Article Published in the
Nov / Dec 17 edition of the Old Towne Orange Plaza Review
Written by Julie Bawden-Davis photos provided by John Saade
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